The Stream-entry Buddhist Blog
Long-format Pāli Canon-based Teachings and Essays
by Upāsaka Michael Turner
(f.k.a. Anagārika Pasannacitta)
Buddhist Therapy, Life Coaching, and Dharma Training
— One-on-One Buddhist Stream-entry Training by Request —
How to practice Buddhism explained by a Buddhist teacher - Enlightenment is a real thingIn this reply to a student question, I cover the basics of making real progress with your dharma and meditation practice; how to cultivate it; and, why doing so is so important to attaining Awakening and Enlightenment. Because this is an email to a student, it assumes a certain understanding of Buddhism on the part of the reader.
The Teacher"The only thing that prevents people from awakening, stream entry, and directly experiencing the stages of enlightenment is incorrect instruction and/or insufficient practice."
– Michael Turner Hello! My name is Michael Turner (my Dhamma name is Upāsaka Pasannacitta).
I am an Early Buddhism mentor, ariya-puggala (sakadāgāmi), therapist, coach, and Buddhist precept holder. I work with dedicated Buddhist practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced, to help them attain measurable progress toward happiness and Nibbāna. This kind of one-on-one training is uncommon for most lay practitioners. If you are interested, please visit my coaching page or training page to learn more, or contact me to discuss becoming a Buddhist trainee today. Categories
Michael Turner is a sakadāgāmi and a former Buddhist anagārika. He is also a deeply accomplished stream-entry mentor, applied-dharma coach, and Buddhist therapist. He emphasises and teaches the practical application of the Buddha's teachings in our everyday lives to overcome the problems that stand in the way of making measurable progress toward Buddhist enlightenment and he is particularly adept at explaining them in ways that can be easily understood and practiced by Western Buddhists. He has been meditating and cultivating the views and techniques that generate indestructible resilience, inner-strength, and direct experience for almost 30 years and has helped countless numbers of students and peers enhance and course-correct their practice to make veritable progress along the path toward Nibbāna.
My Stream-entry Coaching Manifesto
do good. be kind. help others. be peaceful.™ |